Friday, July 27, 2018

Nancy Lee Badger Presents Madelyn Hill

Author Madelyn Hill stopped by to share her latest book…in a genre I adore! Tell my readers a little more!

Highland Honor is Book 3 of the Wild Thistle Trilogy and is a Scottish Historical. Lady Honor MacAllister can heal everything but a broken heart.


Lady Honor does not believe in marriage. Her father’s death broke her mother’s spirit and took her from her daughters emotionally well before her own death. When Honor is attacked in the forest, she keeps the event to herself, lest her lairds search for the man and strike him down. As a healer, she’ll do anything it takes not to cause harm. Rumors of attacks in the Highlands forces the lairds to increase guards and security measures. When Bryce Calder is assigned to protect Lady Honor, she fights the burgeoning attraction for the man, knowing she’ll never risk her heart to love.

Warrior Bryce Calder trusts no woman. Women only strive to better themselves through cunning, as his father warned throughout his childhood. When he is asked to escort Lady Honor while she gathers healing herbs, he is vexed. Training the men and protecting the clan are his duties, not following the sharped-tongued lass about the wood. With each passing day, Bryce becomes enchanted by Lady Honor, despite his father’s words, but his unworthiness halts any proclamation of his desire.

An unlikely partnership develops during the frequent trips to the forest and work in the apothecary. The walls each has erected to protect their hearts and their future crumbles. Until a stranger arrives at the keep. Lady Honor’s secret is threatened to be revealed putting in jeopardy the growing romance between the ardent healer and the reluctant warrior-suitor.

Excerpt from Highland Honor

“I didnae mean to make you frightful,” he said as he kept a keen eye out for any trouble. Someone trailed them. Had, since they left the keep. He hadn’t worried, as the best protector for Lady Honor, save Aidan. And he’d cut anyone down who threatened one of their own.
“I’m not afraid,” she blustered without believable conviction.
He resisted the urge to chuckle at her declaration. She still trembled as they slowly headed back toward the keep. “Are you certain you have what you need?” The attacks and the fact they were followed would thwart trips in the future. He’d have to meet with the lairds and to determine a plan to protect the keep.
She stilled and he looked at her. The early morning light glinted in her hair, skimming over her braid as if it were spun with strands of fire and earth. The lady always wore her hair plaited and for one moment, he wished to release it and run his fingers through the tresses. Och, what a fool. The woman, much like the others, just wanting to lead men around and do their bidding. Just as he did her bidding.
Women instilled a weakness in men. A weakness his father had warned him about.
Then her nose wrinkled and he fell into the smattering of freckles. He smiled, then frowned. She was not fetching. She was the laird’s sister and a lady. Not for the likes of him.
“I need ginger.”
“Ginger,” he repeated like an arse as he stared into her green eyes. Eyes flecked with specks of gold. Eyes which pulled him in with their beauty and grabbed him by the cods.
Her brow quirked upward and a quizzical gleam sparkled. “Aye, ginger to soothe Gilla’s stomach. Oh, and mint.”
“Where?” They’d have to hurry and then make haste to the keep. He’d have to inform Aidan of his suspicions so they could increase the guards and send out men to search for the bastard following him and Lady Honor.
“It grows in many places.” She rubbed her brow. “Mayhap we can find some near that willow.” The lady pointed to the west, the opposite direction of the keep.
“Aye. Stay close.” Worry flitted over her face and he regretted speaking so harshly.
She brushed against him, then her cheeks flushed pink. Beneath the sunlight, with the grasses of the glen waving around her, cradling her lush curves, Lady Honor beauty amazed him.
He swore as his blood surged through him like a firestorm. He was a warrior, one who’d need a woman to further his name and warm his bed. Lady Honor was . . . was more than that. And in many ways, just the same as the lasses who sought to control him with their feminine ways.
A bird screeched.
She gazed at him, her eyes wide with worry. Her freckles stood out against her pale skin. He wanted to reach out and cup her cheek. Feel the soft skin, the warmth of her. He fisted his hands so not to follow his urge, an urge which would incense his lairds and certainly Lady Honor.
“This way, Bryce,” Lady Honor said as she moved in front of him. She kept glancing over her shoulder as if she wanted to ensure he continued to guard her.
“I’ll not leave you.”

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More about the Author

Madelyn Hill has always loved the written word. From the time she could read and all through her school years, she'd sneak books into her textbooks during school. And she devoured books daily. At the age of 10 she proclaimed she wanted to be a writer. After being a "closet" writer for several years, she sent her manuscripts out there and is now published with Soul Mate Publishing. And she couldn't be happier!  A resident of Western New York, she moved from one Rochester to another Rochester to be with the love of her life. They are busy with their 3 children and a puppy named Cannoli! They love to cook, go to the movies, and hang out with friends. Connect with Madelyn here:

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