Friday, July 26, 2024

Summer Reading at the Beach

Are you fortunate enough to be able to spend time at the beach, a lake, a river, or a pool? Lucky you! Our last home was on a pond that connected via a canal to Lake Winnisquam in New Hampshire. We enjoyed trips on our boat or swimming at our community's sandy beach.

We decided to move to Raleigh, North Carolina and are three hours from the ocean. A little too far for a day trip, so we will enjoy our front yard where rabbits stop by for a carrot, or sit under an umbrella on our recently fixed up back deck. 

Lately, back yard visitors are deer, which still amazes me since we live in the capital of North Carolina! Chain link fence? No problem for these beauties. Reading keeps me occupied every month of the year but there is something about July that makes the mornings special. 

Whether I have a print book in my hands or an audio book speaking into my ears, reading is the best. I am a writer. Some medical issues have slowed me down, but I am writing. 

Don't forget...the 2024 Olympics ARE ON! If you like sports, check out my tennis-star character, hoping to be on the U.S. Olympic Team in ...

I want to remind folks of the 30+ books (written by me) available from many sources. (26 in print) My ebooks start at $.99 (US). Find all BUY LINKS HERE

Friday, July 5, 2024

Christmas in July is Heating Up!

Weather around the world changes constantly. Here in North Carolina, we have had a record number of days above 90F (32c) with one that was a melting 103F. Some folks go to the beach while others travel to cooler climates. Me? I am staying home and praying that the air conditioner keeps chugging away. 

Very early each morning, you can find me reading a book outside in my front yard. I wave to neighbors as they walk their dogs or push a stroller. I feed the chipmunks, birds, and rabbits that come by to say 'Hi.' The baby rabbits are getting bigger and growing bolder, so I sip coffee while they munch on carrots.

Reading is my joy. Writing has been a part of my life for many years. July has been a month each year that I share my work with readers.  

I gave away the following Prizes to 4 lucky people!

The Rogue's Ring Autographed PRINT  

Heaven-Sent Warrior Autographed PRINT

With Every Heartbeat AUDIO

Dragon Bites EBOOK

Head over to my CONTEST page to see the winners!

Thank you to all who entered!

Good reading!

Nancy Lee Badger

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Birthday America!

Yes, I know. The United states of America is a young country, only 248 years young. Hubby and I actually arranged our Canadian Honeymoon to make sure we were back home and able to celebrate the 200th Bicentennial! Fireworks lit the sky. This year will be a scorcher, so take care and drink water.

As the children of a Navy Man and an Air force Lt. Colonel as well as the parents of a former Army Drill Sergeant, we proudly fly the flag EVERYDAY!

Friday, June 14, 2024

June Important Dates - to Me

Let us start off with Flag Day, June 14th. American's commemorate this day because in 1777, we adopted the 'stars and stripes' as our brand new country's national flag. Here at our home in Raleigh, North Carolina we fly a flag every day.

June 16th is father's Day which is when fathers are particularly honored by their children. It is a movable holiday, landing on the third Sunday in June.  For an extra special gift in our family, it is also our youngest son's birthday. This is doubly special this year since our son was born on Father's Day a long, long time ago. 

June 19th is Juneteenth National Independence Day and is now a federal holiday that started in 2021 in the United States. It commemorates the ending of slavery in America.  For my husband and I, it has been the anniversary of our wedding for much longer! 

June 20th is the first day of summer, also called the Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year in the Northern hemisphere. This also means it is the shortest night of the year. From that day on, the days get shorter as we head toward fall and winter. 

If any of these dates mean anything special to you, enjoy them and the weather that, for me this week, has seen lovely cool mornings. I can be found sitting in a lawn chair in the front yard. I read and feed the rabbits and chipmunks. I listen to the birds and wave at the neighbors that walk by with their dogs. Afternoons get much too hot, so mornings are the key.

Enjoy the weather wherever you are. Read a book or two. If you need a book, check out my book links HERE and enjoy the summer. 


Friday, May 24, 2024

On Memorial Day, Never Forget!

Sacrifices in war in order to bring peace might seem like a far off notion to many of you, but when it hits home...

My late dad enlisted in the United States Navy during World War 2. He got rheumatic fever that damaged his heart. He died in 2019 as a 100% disabled Veteran.

My late Father-in-Law was a Lt. Colonel for 20+ years in the Air Force, having served in WW2, the Korean Conflict, and worked at SAC (Strategic Air Command). He died bedridden with a bad back, damaged when he jumped from a plane.

My youngest son joined the United States Army while still in high school, before the war in Iraq began. He served 4 years overseas in Germany and Iraq, and another 4+ years in North Carolina in the Army Reserves. He arrived home fairly unaffected, though he has a story about 'burn pits.' 

*Eric is on the left

Doing genealogy, my husband and I can count a long list of patriots back to the Mayflower landing in 1620. We recently traveled around New York, Massachusetts, and New Jersey seeking graves and planting flags for our various ancestors who fought to keep their homeland safe. 

Keeping these folks who gave without asking 'What's in it for me?' alive in our hearts and minds is how we never forget.

Enjoy the Memorial Day long weekend, but do not forget.

Nancy Lee Badger

Friday, May 17, 2024

May Flowers bring Hurricanes!


Are you ready for bad weather? Hurricanes are no joke. My elderly aunt was forced out of her water-damaged home in Cape Coral Florida for many months. Thank goodness for insurance. We lost a huge tree during one storm that took out our chain link fence and damaged the neighbor's shed. Getting rid of that and repairing the fence cost over $1500 and was NOT covered by home insurance. 

When the power goes out, we have a propane grill for cooking and bottles of water to assist the toilets. Camp lanterns allow us to catch up on our reading. Make sure you have books to get you through the tough times. 

I write Scottish themed romance, contemporary, paranormal, and more, Many available in Ebook and Print. A few are Audio Books. Check them all out HERE

Be safe, 

Nancy Lee Badger

Friday, May 10, 2024

Celebrate Mothers Everywhere with BOOKS!

I have been blessed with two children so Mother's Day means a lot to me. While they have their own lives and distance keeps us apart most of the time, we are very close. So, I keep writing and working on my stories while reading, reading, and reading. 

Celebrate Mom with a book. Print, or Ebook, or Audio book. Many are available easily HERE so give my books a try such as ... PRINT 

Or, how about an ... EBOOK

The latest release is an ... AUDIO BOOK 

Find all Buy Links HERE

Happy Mother's Day!