Friday, January 31, 2014

Nancy Lee Badger Presents Author Charmaine Gordon

Author Charmaine Gordon
Everyone has dreams and everyone has a story waiting to be written. Personally, before I ever started to write, I was an actor loving every word the playwright wrote; never did I dream of paraphrasing like so many actors, making up sentences never written and changing the meaning. Definitely a no-no in show business.  
So I say to all of you out there, if I, a woman with no experience in writing, can write a bunch of books, find a publisher who works with me and teaches me the ropes of promoting etc, why can’t you? The answer is, my friends, you can. Take an idea rattling around in that smart head and just do it. Don’t censor yourself. Write three pages. Reread and then see if your work needs a tweak or two. Sound easy? It’s not but it’s a start. One more thing, folks. Be sure to open your veins and don’t be afraid to let emotions spread on to the story. Make it real. Let it come alive.
My latest release is No Time for Green Bananas, publisher Vanilla Heart. 
Why the funny title, you might ask? I read a quote by an unknown source:
“Green bananas take time to ripen. Do not wait. There may not be a tomorrow.”
 Sounds grim, doesn’t it?  But the story is fun, full of twists and turns, as an older woman and younger man fall in love.
Featured in USAToday in November
No Time for Green Bananas by Charmaine Gordon (Vanilla Heart Publishing). Book four in series The Beginning…Not the End. Celeste Hamlin, the 75-year-old widow CEO of O.U.R. Airlines specializing in chartered vacations, has a goal... She needs to once more conquer the six mountains in the Saranac Lake region before deciding what to do with the rest of her life. Sixty-two year old Professor Paul Harris, is on sabbatical to hike and relax. When he meets the dynamic Celeste, he recalls the last words his wife said before she passed. "Find another love and begin again." What happens next between an older woman and younger man is a story of gentle passion and discovery of The Beginning... Not The End.
Buy Links:
Smashwords    iTunes    NOOK 


More about the Author

Charmaine Gordon writes books  about women who Survive and Thrive.  Her motto is take one step and then another to leave your past behind and begin again. Six books and several short stories in three years, she’s always at work on the next story. The books include To Be Continued, Starting Over, Now What?, Reconstructing Charlie, Sin of Omission and The Catch, just released. And now I’ve written a series of Mature Romance/Suspense long/short stories under the umbrella title The Beginning. ..Not The End. Think Sexy Seniors, fifty five +, baby boomers no longer babies. Instant Grandpa, Young at Heart, Before the Final Curtain and No Time for Green Bananas.

“I didn’t realize at the time while working as an actor in NYC, I’d become a sponge soaking up dialogue, setting, and stage directions. I learned many tools of writing during the years watching directors like Mike Nichols and actors including Harrison Ford, Anthony Hopkins, and Billy Crystal. And would you believe, I was Geraldine Ferraro’s stand-in leg model, my first job giving me entrée into all the Unions needed to work. When the sweet time ended, I began another career and creative juices flowed.”

You can reach Charmaine at :



Thanks for inviting me to be your guest,
Ms. Nancy Lee.

A giveaway of ebook format
No Time for Green Bananas
is offered to the
most interesting comment

*drawing is February 5th, 2014
***please leave a contact email and format choice***


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