Friday, March 24, 2023

Cover Reveal: The Rogue's Ring by author Nancy Lee Badger

Life happens when you are making other plans.

My plans tend to go by the wayside. My third full-length book in my Treasure Tales series, following The Earls Treasure and The Dukes Diamond, was on the calendar to be released in early January 2023. The plot takes place starting on New Years Day 1817 amid snow surrounding the Bellmeer Estate in Northern England. The next day, my hero and some friends head into Scotland to follow a treasure and reunite nobles with their stolen signet rings.

What happened to my proposed book's release day you ask?

I had cataract surgeries December 12th and January 30th which should have occurred November 28 and December 12th. If the original plan happened, my eyesight would have been perfect and the last edits and the book's release would occur on schedule. Because the first eye was delayed (someone in the surgeon's family got Covid), he could not do my second surgery until the end of January. In those six weeks between surgeries, I could not read, write, or drive. Add to this a member of my family coming down with Covid in early January that put her in the hospital and you can imagine my priorities had changed.

So, I decided to let fate take my lemons and give me lemonade (sugar-free, of course) I took my time editing my book, and created a cover that continued the theme of the series. My thanks to Kim Killion at The Killion Group Images for wonderful subjects that fit my vision of the main characters. 

The Rogues Ring is up for pre-order just about everywhere. Look for buy links HERE. Also, please read the short plot:

Bryce Ketteridge would never let down his friends. If finding the owners of signet rings was important, he would do his share. Shooting a masked bandit turned his life on end. What followed was not in his plans.

The last thing Cat Douglas wished to do was steal coins from the handsome stranger. When he later shoots her while she threatened a nobleman’s coach, she suspected he had no idea it was her. Kidnapped boys, pirate threats, and murder propel them to save a boy named Blake. He was, after all, special to them both.

Check out the other books in the Treasure Tales series

in ebook & Print!

Remember to pre-order The Rogue's Ring.

Release day is May 12, 2023

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