Friday, August 31, 2018

Nancy Lee Badger Presents Author Susan Hanniford Crowley

I invited a fellow Soul Mate Publishing author to stop by and share her latest book. Take it away, Susan!

Thank you, Nancy Lee, for having me over on your blog. Writing Vampire Princess of New York was a huge adventure for me.

Noblesse is the daughter of Vampire King of New York Maximillion Vander Meer. You would think she’d be a woman, er.. vampiress that has everything. Well, it’s just not true. Whenever her father is away, she’s in charge of the vampires of New York as well as VMeer Industries, a worldwide conglomerate of corporations he started. Highly educated, Noblesse is very talented business-wise but also very clever and sweet when it comes to those she loves or protects. 

In the nearly 200 years, that Noblesse has been a vampire, she has not found a true love. She is also haunted by the fact that she never found her human mother who disappeared during the French Revolution.

Here’s an Excerpt!

Noblesse stayed within Donovan’s arms and reveled in his warmth. When she was sure he had fallen asleep again, she examined the wound Mina sewed. The King’s Elixir had nullified the poison, but the seam looked angry and red. Noblesse moved to lick that awful wound. The instant her tongue touched Donovan’s skin, he moaned in his sleep. She smiled. The man really didn’t like being licked. Still she continued licking the ragged edge until it looked less irritated.
Mina would take the stitches out in the morning. Noblesse figured he’d be healed by then. The guilt over his injury gnawed at her. If he wasn’t in her bedroom, he wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Donovan was her best friend, and she loved him.
Satisfied that he was rapidly on the mend, she moved back into place under his arm.
Thank you, Sha, he said to her mind.
You are supposed to be asleep.
How could I sleep through that? Normally I hate being licked. But you made it different, even enjoyable.
His baritone chuckle made her laugh. Then he pulled her close to him and kissed her. His kiss dissolved into slumber.
The next morning, Donovan sat up and pulled out his IV. The Arnhem Knights seated on chairs by the door, immediately stood up.
“You can’t do that.”
“Only the doctor can.”
Noblesse, still wearing the kaftan dress she fell asleep in, hurried around to the IV side. Searching for bandages, she found them and wrapped them tightly to stop his bleeding.
Next he reached for his clothes on the nearby chair. He pulled on his jeans and zipped just as Mina walked through the door.
“Donovan, what are you doing?”
“I’m better, Doc.” He pulled on his shirt and socks and shoes. “I’m going out to eat, and Noblesse is going with me.” He grabbed her hand and left the room.
“Really, Donovan, I must stop by my room and change clothes.”
When they approached the door to her apartment, it was guarded by Arnhem Knights. “No one is allowed in.”
Noblesse stared at them. “Well, I’m an Arnhem Knight too. Step aside.”
Hatcher stood in her way. “Noblesse, I’m sorry, but Dr. Lucente says he’s still testing the place.”
“Hatcher, they shouldn’t have you pulling double duty.”
“I don’t mind. I promised Max I’d keep an eye on you.”
Leaning past Hatcher, she knocked on the door. Syd opened it a smidge. “Noblesse, I’m not done.”
“I need my purse, please.”
He closed the door and a moment later handed it out to her through the small opening.
“Thank—.” The door shut before she managed to get out the second word.
“What’s the plan, Noble?” Donovan zipped his leather jacket halfway up.
“First we’re going to go eat, and then I’ll stop by my office. I always keep spare clothes there.”
Donovan took her hand and they headed for the lobby. Curtis, the doorman, stood in their way.
“David said not to let anyone in or out.”
Noblesse frowned.
“What’s the problem, Curtis?” David walked up to them.
“Pardon me, sir, but your sister and Donovan Dupre want to leave.”
David was accompanied by several of the Arnhem Knights. “Noblesse and Donovan, we are still investigating what happened. You are to ease yourselves out without letting anyone in. Got it?”
Want to find out what’s 
going to happen next?

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At a Groton Library booksigning

More About Susan:

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