It is the Halloween season and my neighbors have decorated their homes. Me? A sign in my yard and a pumpkin on the porch are my additions.
In other parts of the world, the night of Halloween is called All Hallow's Eve. In the Celtic world, where many of my books are set, Halloween was called Samhain. (Check out these books: My Honorable Highlander, Dragon Bites, and Smoke).
Samhain originated in ancient Europe as a Celtic holiday, but today, it is an event that is celebrated worldwide. It's a pagan holiday that acknowledges the end of the harvest and honors the changing of the seasons, with cold weather right around the corner.
Another reason I love the fall season are the, pumpkin, amber, gold...colors that will decorate the house until we celebrate Thanksgiving Day (November 28th).
Sorry...I went off-topic. While Halloween does have roots in Samhain, they are not the same thing. Samhain is still celebrated today by various groups including Wiccans and there are many ways in which the festival is celebrated. There are not only group rituals, but single rituals as well.
Whether you celebrate with kids in costumes that roam the neighborhood, or simply enjoy the changing of the leaves or your neighbors' spooky homes, enjoy the change of seasons (and a little bit of chocolate!)
Nancy Lee Badger 🎃
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