Friday, June 14, 2024

June Important Dates - to Me

Let us start off with Flag Day, June 14th. American's commemorate this day because in 1777, we adopted the 'stars and stripes' as our brand new country's national flag. Here at our home in Raleigh, North Carolina we fly a flag every day.

June 16th is father's Day which is when fathers are particularly honored by their children. It is a movable holiday, landing on the third Sunday in June.  For an extra special gift in our family, it is also our youngest son's birthday. This is doubly special this year since our son was born on Father's Day a long, long time ago. 

June 19th is Juneteenth National Independence Day and is now a federal holiday that started in 2021 in the United States. It commemorates the ending of slavery in America.  For my husband and I, it has been the anniversary of our wedding for much longer! 

June 20th is the first day of summer, also called the Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year in the Northern hemisphere. This also means it is the shortest night of the year. From that day on, the days get shorter as we head toward fall and winter. 

If any of these dates mean anything special to you, enjoy them and the weather that, for me this week, has seen lovely cool mornings. I can be found sitting in a lawn chair in the front yard. I read and feed the rabbits and chipmunks. I listen to the birds and wave at the neighbors that walk by with their dogs. Afternoons get much too hot, so mornings are the key.

Enjoy the weather wherever you are. Read a book or two. If you need a book, check out my book links HERE and enjoy the summer. 


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