I visit various Scottish Highland games around the country to get ideas for my novels. Watching men in kilts as the march, play the bagpipes, turn the caber, or shoot a longbow is apt to stir anyone's imagination.

Seeing Highland cows with their impressive horns and watching folks dressed in period clothes as they stoke a fire to cook their dinner also stirs my appetite to pull out my laptop and write.
I also love the ocean. Although I grew up on the North Shore of Long Island, I spent many weekends with family and friends in the waves at Fire Island and Jones Beach. These happy memories gave me the idea to set my story opening on the shores of Scotland's North sea.
My latest idea is set around the Christmas holiday which was referred to as Yuletide in medieval times. An author I know suggested we get together with other authors and each write stories set around medieval Scotland and the Yuletide season. Of course, romance plays a big part in each historical tale! Who knew those brand new stories would come together in time for the upcoming holiday season?
I got together with Allison Butler, Aurrora St. James, and Ria Cantrell to share our Christmas stories with all our readers.