Friday, September 30, 2022

Weather is Coming our way


We arrived home last week from an 11 day trip through New England with only two partial days of rain. Now we are in the possible path of Hurricane Ian. Raleigh, NC is ready and we are very happy we had three dead or dying trees removed in the last year. We have family in Florida who did not make it through the storm unfazed. 

All I can do is work on all the photos I took during our trip, keep in contact with family, and get back to a 'normal' existence. Possible? Who knows. while the power flows and the flooding is kept at bay, I will work and think up new stories. Here are a few photos as a hint to next week's blog post.


Friday, September 9, 2022

Where did the Summer Go?

It is still summer here in Raleigh, NC. I can keep the doors and windows open later each day, but we are still seeing temperatures in the mid-eighties. Soon enough we will be complaining of the cold. With floods in some communities and raging fire in others, I take a moment each day to enjoy what I have...a house, a family, and my health.

Schools are back in session. I am looking forward to learning more about the craft of writing at the next in-person meeting with the members of my local Romance Writers of America chapter. Yes, 'seeing' them all on Zoom was okay, but in-person is different.

The group also offers a Zoom link so members who live near the ocean or up in the mountains can join in. North Carolina is a large state and we are the only RWA chapter. Speakers are fantastic and I look forward to each meeting on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Find out more HERE.

In the meantime , I will soon be autographing books at the New Hampshire Highland Games in Lincoln, NH and you can get info and directions HERE

Autumn starts September 22nd so enjoy every minute of summer that you can!