Friday, March 14, 2025

Green with Envy

While writing my next novel, I was looking forward to celebrating Saint Patrick's Day on Monday March 17th. Imagine my surprise when no longer lists 'Ireland' as one of my ancestor's ethnicities! What happened? I know it was there, but now the closest they show is Scottish ancestry, specifically from the Isle of Mann. That little island is spitting distance from the eastern shore of Ireland. 

So, I will sip some non-alcoholic beer and wear a green shirt and cry. Maybe it will come back because I have found a couple of ancestors who came from Ireland, but the percentage is so small, it no longer shows.

While I cry in my beer, I would like to announce that the short story I submitted to has been accepted. NEIGHBORLY LOVE will appear in the book TAF Omnibus 4 in September. This is the Triangle Association of Freelancers fourth annual fundraiser that has accepted my stories. 

With that completed, I am re-editing three books in my formerly published Warriors in Bronze series after the publisher closed its doors and the rights returned to me. The story lines are paranormal and set in North Carolina and I am removing and adding words to make them more timely. I am thrilled to bring my characters back to life. The next step? Making new covers!

March weather earlier this week was brutally cold for North Carolina. As I write this the temp is heading toward 80F. The daffodils are enjoying the sunshine and I am heading out for a walk.

Nancy Lee Badger 🍀

Friday, February 7, 2025

Another FULL February

We have a busy, busy month and the top three on my mind are 

Ground Hog Day

The Super Bowl

Valentine's Day

The Super Bowl is held Sunday evening, February 9th, and we will watch from the comfort of our den as the Philadelphia Eagles take on the Kansas City Chiefs. I will keep the name of my favorite team to myself as my choice usually loses.

Valentine's Day is for romance and chocolate. I am hoping for a little of both, but that's my secret (the chocolate part? I will keep it from my doctor.) Does anyone else besides me like white chocolate? I bought a brick in Concord, New Hampshire from the Common Man Restaurant. Delish!

Also, did you know that several of my boxed sets 
are free with Kindle Unlimited?

And several ebooks sell for only $2.99 (US)?

Please check them all out HERE

Ground Hog Day is a memorable one for not-so-good reasons. My wonderful dad passed away on that day six years ago, yet it feels like yesterday. Last Sunday, Ground Hog Day, my son fell off a ladder. Is it sad that I know how to get to the Emergency Room at the nearest hospital? All turned out well for him, but will I recall the date for years to come? Yes!

I am back writing more stories in tribute to my mom who has persevered and continued to be in our lives, even though the love of her life is gone. We are fortunate to have her nearby and happy. 

Nancy Lee Badger 💖

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Weather is Going Whacko

The California fires were not unexpected, since they are frequent, but these turned into a never-ending furnace of despair. I feel for everyone involved. As a former firefighter, I worry about their health and safety. Breathing in those burning chemicals and smoke is hazardous to everyone involved. The news is currently talked about 'Valley Fever.' Yuck!

These wildfires should not make us forget our North Carolina neighbors to the west. Their tragedies were never considered...a Noah-like flood in the North Carolina mountains? Many spent Thanksgiving in tents and Christmas in temporary trailers or hotels (if they were lucky). They all still need help. I am praying FEMA does not forget them as they race (ha!ha!) to Los Angeles. 

Here in Raleigh we had some odd weather, too. Not too bad, but it has been years since snow or ice has coated the ground. Schools closed early, before a flake fell, and the food stores were swamped days ahead. Some people lost power, but we were fine and knew our gas fireplace would keep us warm should the lights go out. We get many more hurricanes as well as tornado warnings than snow storms. 

Most people I know are PREPARED for possible weather events. As most homes in WNC were not considered in a flood plain, preparation was not 'a thing to do.' It will be months before California explains what happened in their state. 

The cold weather and lack of sunshine on the entire east coast this week is so different than what is occurring on the west coast. Keep everyone in your thoughts and please...BE PREPARED. We are staying home, keeping warm, and reading books.

Find suggestions on my 'BOOK' page.

Nancy Lee Badger

Friday, December 13, 2024

It is Friday the 13th again. Feeling Lucky?

I was born on a Friday a LONG, LONG TIME AGO. The saying goes that "Friday's child is loving and giving." Is that true? Maybe so, but I consider myself extra special for having also been born on the 13th of a month that landed on a Friday. (We've had 2 black cats, both named Shadow)

The odds of being born on Friday the 13th is 1 in 214. This means that over the long years (since the 13th lands on a Friday only once or twice a year) 1 in 214 people will be born on my special day.

Yes, I already bought lottery tickets, but otherwise I will think of every Friday the 13th as an extension of my original birthday...wait a minute... that will make me REALLY OLD! 

Luckily, only a few of my books are 'eerie.'  Are dragons scary? I categorize my Clan of Dragons series as paranormal shapeshifters. Come to think of it, a character in My Reluctant Highlander finds out he can shift into a dragon. The main character in Dragon's Curse is guessed it... cursed to change into a dragon at inopportune times. 

I guess I will call this month DRAGON TIME!  Find these books and many more at Amazon and other sources and do not hold your breath concerning the next Friday the 13th. It will occur June 13, 2025.

In case I don't see you or hear from you during the next few weeks, 
Have a safe, happy holiday.
Nancy Lee Badger

Thursday, October 31, 2024

The Scots and Witches say SAMHAIN


It is the Halloween season and my neighbors have decorated their homes. Me? A sign in my yard and a pumpkin on the porch are my additions. 

In other parts of the world, the night of Halloween is called All Hallow's Eve. In the Celtic world, where many of my books are set, Halloween was called Samhain. (Check out these books: My Honorable Highlander, Dragon Bites, and Smoke). 

Samhain originated in ancient Europe as a Celtic holiday, but today, it is an event that is celebrated worldwide. It's a pagan holiday that acknowledges the end of the harvest and honors the changing of the seasons, with cold weather right around the corner.

Another reason I love the fall season are the, pumpkin, amber, gold...colors that will decorate the house until we celebrate Thanksgiving Day (November 28th). 

Sorry...I went off-topic. While Halloween does have roots in Samhain, they are not the same thing. Samhain is still celebrated today by various groups including Wiccans and there are many ways in which the festival is celebrated. There are not only group rituals, but single rituals as well.

Whether you celebrate with kids in costumes that roam the neighborhood, or simply enjoy the changing of the leaves or your neighbors' spooky homes, enjoy the change of seasons (and a little bit of chocolate!)

Nancy Lee Badger 🎃

Friday, October 4, 2024

Fall Ran Over Us With a Bang...

 ...but we are okay here in Raleigh, North Carolina. The tornadoes missed us but those living west of us are devastated. I am still waiting to hear from a relative who texted once to say they were without power and water, plus had a dozen trees down in their yard. We had rain, but the nearby creek is small and downhill from our house.

Anyway, the autumn season is here and the evenings are cooler, but the days are still 'shorts' weather. However, the threats of Hurricane Kirk and whatever is following means we need to check our emergency supplies and be ready. 

Are you ready? Here is what I found at FEMA:

At a minimum, you should have these basic supplies: 

  • Water: one gallon per person, per day (3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home).
  • Food: non-perishable, easy-to-prepare items (3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home).
  • Flashlight.
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if possible).
  • Extra batteries.
  • First aid kit.
  • Medications (7-day supply) and medical items.
  • Multi-purpose tool, like a Swiss Army knife.
  • Sanitation and personal hygiene items.
  • Copies of personal documents (medication list and pertinent medical information, proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies).
  • Cell phone with charger.
  • Family and emergency contact information.
  • Extra cash (ATMs might be inoperable).
  • Extra fuel for generator and car.

Depending on your family’s requirements, you may need to include: medical-care items, baby supplies, pet supplies and other things, such as extra car and house keys.  

Additional supplies might include towels, plastic sheeting, duct tape, scissors and work gloves.

I always add... BOOKS! Ebooks are great, but if the electricity goes out and you need to save your phone's power, fill your safe place with some real print books such as...

Please stay safe!

Nancy Lee Badger

Friday, September 27, 2024

Scottish Games, Hurricanes, and a New Book

The annual New Hampshire Highland Games are again a memory, but the weather could not have been better. Last year, the Saturday of the 3-Day festival held in Lincoln, NH was CANCELLED due to a passing hurricane! This cost the committee and its visitors tons of money and misery, so this year's overcast days were welcome.

Yesterday, an hour after we returned home to Raleigh, North Carolina, we received a TORNADO WARNING! Hurricane Helene ran by and the rain has made a mess with a rising creek in our backyard and tree limbs down, but no tornado as yet. The rain is welcome to keep away the drought, but the wind has proved deadly, west of us. 

So, we are safe and dry and this gives me the opportunity to mention that my short story 'A Day at the Beach' and my poem 'Feathered Travel Time' has been released in the TAF Omnibus III. This is a book filled with stories and poems by a multitude of writers donating their work to the Triangle Association of Freelancers which is a Raleigh-based writing group and I am a member. 

Check out the newest book and all the links HERE

Nancy Lee Badger